To Achieve Success Do This #1 Thing
Feb 23, 2024Focus on what is really important
Today I wanted to discuss how to achieve success
Look You want to be more have more do more, but the doing of more is not what necessary for True success
here's the challenge most people have a dream of a better life to do great things to be someone important to leave a legacy family.
it's not taking cold plunges or red light therapy rubbing crystals or prayer beads We're rolling out carpets or meditation or chanting affirmations or grounding your feet on the Earth. it's not even pushing yourself to climb Mount Everest and run a hundred miles a day.
those are all extra things that we think we need to do because we see others doing it or we see the outcomes of what they're doing and so equate to what they're succeeding at to be the source of the daily Enchanted rituals that they do that could potentially help you achieve your new success
Jesus was asked these challenging questions like what are the rules I need to keep to be saved Jesus answered the most important commands out of the 613 commands is to love the Lord your God with all your heart mind soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. he didn't give a drawn out explanation of how he was God. he simplified it so that if we can follow those two things we will succeed.
it's a heart thing. Where your treasure is there your heart will be. where you're at is because of the distracting things that are in your way. you're not more you don't have more you don't do more because you are placing roadblocks of distractions and other extra things that aren't simple.
do you remember the kiss method Keep it super simple.
Today I don't want you to over complicate what you need to achieve today. Understand what the most important things you need to do and only do that if you can.
what is your employer hiring you specifically to do. and do most of all your effort for that one thing
if your goal is to lose weight the most important thing is what you put in your face
if your goal is to build muscle the number one thing is what you put on the end of the barbells
if your goal is to pay off debt than the number one thing is to understand what you're spending and how to make more money
if your goal is to build a healthy relationship the number one thing is to have more positive interaction of love with that person
if your goal is to build a spiritual life the number one thing is to spend positive time with your creator
if your goal is to make more money than the number one thing is to spend more time in sales.
Don't over complicate your day with unnecessary things but Focus on The X Factor that will deliver the most amount of results that you are looking for in your life.
if you want be more, have more, do more then today figure out what the most important thing is for you to achieve that and focus entirely on that one specific thing.
comment down below in the community here what the number one thing you're doing today to commit to focus on.
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